Every Pregnant woman should schedule an appointment with the doctor once she discovers her pregnancy. The first prenatal test is very important to help the doctor recognize any hidden problem, sickness or risks.
On you first prenatal appointment your doctor will definitely ask you questions about your health history concerning:
1. Gynecological health
Your menstrual cycle
First day of your last period
Any problems or spotting since your last period
Any previous pregnancies
Any gynecological problems
2. Medical health
Any chronic diseases as diabetes or heart problems
Drug allergies
Any past surgeries
Medication or nutrients supplement you are taking.
3. Lifestyle
Sports and exercises
Type of work
Type of diet if any
4. Family History
Any chronic disease in the family
Mental health problem especially depression
Multiple pregnancy
Family history of genetic or chromosomal disorder and birth defect
Make sure you cooperate with your doctor to the fullest!