You still have few weeks to go before your due date? By the time you are about 35-36 weeks pregnant, make sure your bags are packed and ready in your car! And yes, I am saying “bags” in plural because you will need two: one for you and one for your baby!
Check the list below and see what to pack…
In your bag:
Nightgown or pajamas, and bring a couple of each! These will be useful while pacing hospital corridors before and after labor. Remember that if you are planning to nurse, be sure to bring pajamas that open down the front.
Slippers and socks for walking in your room or down the hall and keeping your feet warm.
Nursing bra and pads, knowing that the bras are also good if you’re not planning to nurse; they give you extra protection and support.
Toiletries and personal items such as hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, face wash, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, lip balm, sanitary napkins, hair bands… And remember, travel-sized products are your friends!
Things to make you relax and pass the time such as books, magazines, games, music to listen to…
Pillows, knowing that the hospital might not have enough for your perfect comfort! Make sure the pillows you bring have a pattern other than the hospital white.
A going-home outfit that has unfortunately the size of maternity clothes, because your tummy will need some time to go down!
Camera with extra memory card and without forgetting the charger; taking pictures and filming starts from the first second of your baby’s life!
In your baby’s bag:
Sleep suits and vests for your baby to wear while you are in the hospital.
Going-home-outfit including a hat, and a snowsuit if your baby is born in winter. Remember that babies are extra sensitive to cold.
Socks and booties.
Blanket for the ride home.
Diapers and wipes.
Muslin squares.
Remember one last thing: the car seat is a MUST! Your baby can’t ride home without a car seat!