Spring is the best season to go with your kids outside and explore all your surroundings! And what is better than spending a day out in a picnic. Your kids will love the idea of a free day in the fresh air eating finger foods and having fun. Keep in mind that picnics should be simple and are fun. Here are some tips to help you prepare for a picnic.
The picnic should be in a place away from roads and traffic. You should pick up a park or a place in the woods. Be careful that there are no dangerous cliffs or river around. Choose a plain surface where kids can play safely.
Invite some of your kid’s friends to join the fun.
Prepare easy meal to eat. Finger foods are the best. You can prepare sandwiches, crackers, fruits, vegetables and cookies. Place the food in a special container to keep them cool. Position the heavy items in the bottom. Place ice cubes to keep them fresh throughout the day.
Use plastic cups and plates. Take napkins, wet wipes and trash bags. Do not forget to clean up when you leave.
Pack toys that can be used outdoors as football, bat, freebie, racquetball, cards, etc.
Prepare a big waterproof blanket to use for the seating area.
Put in your bag sunscreen, first aid kit that contains gauze, antiseptic, bandage, cream for insects’ bites, and allergy medicine if your child has allergy to bees, pollens or others.
Toilets are your nightmare. If the picnic place is not equipped with a toilet and your child needs to pass to the toilet, use the scouts’ natural technique. Dig a whole and bury!
Leave all electronics devices at home and put your mobile phone away. Enjoy this day with your kids and play with them.
Picnics are fun time and affordable for all families. They are easy and can be made at any time. Plan your picnics with your kids and enjoy your time this summer.