For most of the children summer time means fun, play and no studies; but as we all know most schools give the students summer homework and this seems for our children a real nightmare! Usually the homework isn’t intense; it’s a simple review of the past year just to not forget what was learned and to make the return to school in September easier! So, all you have to do is encourage your child to do his/her summer homework without forgetting to follow some important tips:
Do a schedule together; don’t make a school homework plan for your child without consulting him/her. Sit with your child, get a calendar and the homework packets, and make a plan in order to get everything done on time.
Start early and be consistent! Don’t let your child wait for the last week of August to start his/her homework, let him/her start directly when school ends when the material is still fresh in his/her mind.
Encourage your child to read books even if it’s not a part of his/her homework. Go to the library or to the bookshop together and purchase the books your child chooses. Make the reading part fun; read together and try to act like the heroes of the stories.
So, like it or not, summer homework should be done and it’s for your child’s benefit as it teaches him/her the lesson of managing time effectively and tackling unpleasant tasks without procrastination! Help your children do their summer homework; make it a part of their everyday summer activities, and keep in mind: summer homework can never be done on the last week of summer!