A special game to let the kids know each other, at school, at a party, or wherever else!
Click on the cat’s picture and print it out as many times as the number of kids. Give each child a cat and pencils in different colours.
You will ask the children questions about themselves and they will be answering by colouring the cat accordingly. The questions can be the following:
1. Do you have any sister or brother?
If you have a sister colour the cat’s tummy in red
If you have a brother colour it in yellow
If you have both color it in green
If you have none colour it in pink
2. Do you have any pets?
If yes colour the cat’s body in orange
If no colour it in blue
3. What do you prefer doing in your free time, read a book or draw?
If it’s read a book colour the cat’s face in brown
If it’s drawing, colour it in purple
4. What sport do you prefer swimming or playing football?
If it’s swimming colour the cat’s tail in grey
If it’s football colour it in black
and so on...