It is the end of May, which means the school year is almost over. Kids are all excited about summer holidays and can’t wait for the last school day, to come home and celebrate! However, even if the school year is coming to its end, these last weeks of school aren’t less important than the others. In the contrary, most of the schools are having their final exams at this period. It is normal to face a problem with your children at this stage, for they aren’t as energetic and excited about school as they were at the beginning of the year. All they have in mind right now is going to the beach, playing with their friends, or simply watching TV without thinking about homework and especially exams!
It is your role as a parent to encourage and help your children finishing the school year on a strong note and with great grades! There are some tips for you to follow that will let you help your child stay excited till the last day of school:
Encourage your child to participate in all the fun end-of-year activities organized at the school. This will make him more enthusiastic about going to school.
Ask his teachers about recommendations for interesting books he can read during the summer. Go to book fairs or book shops with your child and let him choose his books.
Buy for your child a small notebook or make one with him, and let his teachers and friends write some wishes for him. Let him keep this notebook, because these things are cherished forever!
Encourage your children to do their homework and praise them more than anytime during the school year.
Try to make for your children something special after they finish their homework: go shopping, prepare some yummy dessert, etc.
Enjoy your last school days dear kids!