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Food That Boosts Your Fertility

What is the best food to eat if you want to get pregnant? Is there a link between food and fertility? What am I supposed to eat? What should I stay away from?

Many questions are raised by women who are trying to conceive. The most important thing is to eat a healthy diet in order to prepare your body for the new baby!

Here are some dietary guidelines to consider:

  • Consume a variety of fruits and vegetables: They are high in vitamins and antioxidants, which help to boost your immune system. Include yellow vegetables in your diet because they are high in beta carotene, which aids in menstrual cycle regulation and hormonal imbalance. Kale, as example, contains elements necessary for the estrogen metabolism. You can add it to any green juice. Make sure that half your plate is always composed of fruits and vegetables.

  • Drink plenty of water: It is critical to stay hydrated. When you drink enough water, your body functions properly. It also aids in the elimination of toxins. Keep your bottle nearby and drink as much as you can.

  • Eat healthy fats and keep away of trans fats: You can find the healthy fats in nuts, avocados and olive oil. However, stay away from sweets, margarines, fried food since trans fats increase ovulatory infertility due to their negative effect on insulin which causes metabolic disorders that affects ovulation. Including healthy fat in your diet will boost fertility and overall health.

  • Include whole grains in your diet since they are rich in iron and vitamin B. They are excellent for increasing fertility hormones.

  • Consume nuts that are high in Omega 3 such walnuts

  • Consume proteins in moderation. You can exchange animal proteins with vegetable protein such as beans, lentils, tofu and nuts. It will help you lose weight, give you energy, and increase your fertility.

  • Avoid processed foods and fast food. They will increase your weight without providing you with the necessary calories.

  • Avoid alcohol, smoking, and caffeinated beverages. They can disrupt ovulation and increase the risk of miscarriage.

  • Reduce your fish consumption and choose the type of fish you eat. Some fish contain a high level of mercury, which causes birth defects. You can opt for cold water fish like salmon, canned tuna and sardines.

  • Avoid eating unpasteurized cheese to avoid Listeria contamination.

A well-balanced, healthy diet is essential for the reproductive system and will help you become more fertile. If you intend to become pregnant, it is critical that you begin incorporating healthy, nutritious choices into your diet and lifestyle.

Don't forget about your partner! He is a contributor in this process. Include fruits and vegetables in his diet, as well as foods high in zinc, such as asparagus and oysters, to boost testosterone levels. Keep away the cheese plate! Excessive dairy consumption has been linked to low sperm concentration.

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