In most times kids don’t know how to handle their anger and mostly because parents do not have enough information on how to handle their child’s anger. Many parents would resolve anger by just sending their child to his room on a “Time-Out” until he calms down without resolving the main problem that created this anger.
There are many triggers which can create lots of emotions that lead to frustration and anger. It is normal for your child to get angry when he feels that he is treated unfairly or when something doesn’t go as he had planned for. The most important part is to teach your child how to handle anger and how to act when he has these feelings. Here are some tips to teach your child how to manage his anger:
You are his best example. Help your child identify his feelings. Listen to him and be attentive. Let your child explain his point of view. Maintain your calm and don’t yell. Try to persuade him calmly. He will learn from you how to react in future situations.
Walk away. Tell your child to walk away when he is in a situation that triggers his anger. Once he calms down, he can think more clearly and will know how to handle the situation.
Do not send your child for a “Time-Out” without identifying the cause that triggered his anger and explaining to him why he is in a time-out mode.
Remember that anger is normal but you should set limits for your child. He is not allowed to become destructive and hurt himself or others. Be next to him until he calms down.
Stay close to your child and show him your love. He needs you around him to overthrow his sense of guilt after he calms down and realizes that what he did is wrong.
Help your child identify his anger signs. Once your child learns how to notice things that annoy him and create bad feelings, he will be able to manage his anger and react better in front of these problems. Praise his behavior when he is good.
Set your rules clearly and firmly however ignore small infringes that you can tolerate.
Provide physical activities for your child. Usually activities teach self-discipline. It will help your child to manage better his anger in society.
Anger is normal but if left undisciplined it can create problems. The most important thing is to set your limits, teach your child how to manage his anger, talk about his feelings and choose constructive solutions. A happy child is a child that can grow with a feeling of respect towards his society and his family. He will be able to manage his feelings during his teenage years and adulthood.