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Flu Season and Schools

Writer's picture: ToofoolaToofoola

School has begun, as has the winter season! We're all waiting for the first rain and snow to make a snowman with our children. However, with the start of the school year comes the flu season, an ailment that parents, caregivers, and schools are concerned about.

The flu is a severe infection of the respiratory system that can sometimes spread to the lungs. It is frequently confused with the common cold. When children get the flu, they are more likely to develop symptoms and to spread it to others.

When an infected child coughs or sneezes, virus-containing droplets are released into the air and can travel up to one meter, infecting other kids. Hands contaminated with influenza viruses can potentially spread the infection. To avoid transmission, should should learn to cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing and wash their hands frequently.

What are the flu symptoms?

  • High fever up to 40⁰C

  • Headaches

  • Cough

  • Nasal discharge

  • Sore throat

  • Tiredness

  • Diarrhea and abdominal pain in younger children

  • Bronchitis

What to do if my child has flu symptoms?

Flu symptoms can last for more than a week. If your child suffers from flu you should follow the below tips:

  • Bed rest

  • Give your child lots of fluids

  • Administer fever treatment to reduce it

  • Add a humidifier to your child bedroom. It will help him to breathe calmly especially at night.

  • Clean your child’s nose from any discharge by using a suction bulb for younger children and encourage older children to blow their nose. Pump saline drops into the nasal tracts to keep them clean.

How to avoid flu?

1- The first way to prevent flu is to get flu vaccine at the beginning of each winter season. It would help to protect against the flu. WHO recommends annual vaccination for:

  • pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy

  • children aged between 6 months to 5 years

  • elderly individuals (aged more than 65 years)

  • individuals with chronic medical conditions

  • health-care workers.

2- Boost your child immunity by providing a healthy diet full of fruits that contain vitamin C.

3- Teach your child to cover nose and mouth with a tissue when they cough. Let them throw the tissue after they use it directly in the bin.

4- Teach your kids to wash their hands frequently especially after coughing and before eating with water and soap.

5- Teach your child to avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth

Always check with your health professional if your child shows complications.

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