When it comes to baby naming, parents of twins face a double challenge. Many parents choose names that begin with the same letter, rhyme or sound similar, or have the same meaning. Some parents come up with anagrams like “Amy” and “May” for example, while others just choose two names that are completely not related to each other.
In the following you’ll find the top trends for naming your baby twins:
Twin Boys Names:
Daniel & David
Andrew & Matthew
James & John
Brandon & Bryan
Ethan & Evan
Alexander & Anthony
Twin Girls Names:
Gabriella & Isabella
Elizabeth & Emily
London & Paris
Chloe & Zoe
Arianna & Brianna
Anna & Emma
Twin Boy/Girl Names:
Brian & Brianna
Eli & Ella
Oliver & Olivia
Michael & Michaela
Matthew & Madison
Nathan & Nathalie