Toofola focus on creating different projects in alignment with SDGs #3 and #5 of the United Nations to"Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages​"and "Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls."

Social Projects
The Social Project is a Toofoola initiative that focuses on multiple topics important for children, teenagers and parents.
The first initiative of this project "Period Poverty" will seek to break myths and taboos around menstrual health and aim to educate and empower adolescent girls to take control of their bodies.

Connecting to our heritage
Toofoola began with the intention of developing and documenting Arabic baby rhymes to help mothers in singing Arabic lullabies to their babies. To keep our tradition alive and connect with our heritage, we worked with an illustrator to produce a set of baby blankets, bibs, and changing mat that feature some of these rhymes.